Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Worrying about household chores can be tough on the ticker!

This isn't surprising to Moms...

A recent report in the Daily Telegraph has suggested that looking after your home is more stressful than being at work... I can believe that!

Research carried out by scientists in the U.S. has shown that worrying about household chores such as cleaning, getting the car serviced and paying the bills may be even worse for your heart.

Over 100 working men and women were tested and it was found that those who took on most of the responsibility for running the home had significantly higher blood pressure than those who left it to their partners. The findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, suggest it’s not the workload itself but the stress about how to cope with it that causes the damage. Interestingly, having to look after children or pets had no adverse effect on blood pressure!

Certainly something to think about... is housework really worth the heartache? Literally!

Beverley Cathcart-Ross

Beverley Cathcart-Ross is an author, speaker, certified parent educator, and co-founder of Parenting Network. Click here for Workshops for Winter 2011!

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