Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Food Struggles, LRC and Vanilla Cinnamon Granola

Comforting words, practical suggestions and a yummy recipe from a Parenting Network fan...

When it comes to parenting issues, struggles with food are one of the toughest things we face with our children. Are they eating enough? Are they eating too much? Are they eating enough fruits and veggies? Are they gaining enough weight? Or too much weight? Why won’t they eat what I prepare? Why am I chasing my 3-year-old around the living room with a spoonful of oatmeal? Arghh! It’s enough to drive you nuts.

If you are facing food issues with your children you can take heart in the fact that you aren’t alone. Power struggles around food are so common that there are countless books, blogs and articles written on inventive ways to get kids to embrace healthy eating.

I have personally suffered through many a battle over healthy eating with my 3 young children and I’ve discovered that coming back to the techniques offered up by Parenting Network comes in mighty handy when you have a beautiful family meal on the table and your toddler is lying on the floor crying and demanding a chocolate chip cookie.

At times like this I take a deep breath and remember LRC (Love, Respect, Confidence):
L- Love yourself and your family enough to provide healthy and nutritious food choices as much as you can.
R- Respect every one's decision to partake or not in what is served and respect yourself enough not to run around like a waitress catering to every one's individual needs.
C- have confidence that your children will eat when they are hungry and that you are providing a framework for healthy eating that will hopefully last a lifetime.

Sounds easy right? I know how challenging it can be and I am constantly on a quest for the most healthful and least contentions recipes I can create. This cereal is delicious and nutritious and just might set the tone for a healthy day. All three of my kids love it and there are no struggles in sight when the house fills with the smell of cinnamon and vanilla and they race to the breakfast table. A big bowl of this cereal with the milk of your choice is chock full of vitamins, protein, healthy fats and omega 3’s. You could even skip the nuts and throw in some raisins and/or pumpkin seeds to turn this into a healthy lunch box snack.

Remember to breathe, practice LRC and don’t give up! (and I guarantee you won’t have to chase your young child around the room with a spoonful of this cereal)

Vanilla Cinnamon Granola (adapted from The Kind Diet, Alicia Silverstone)
6 cups quick cooking oats (regular or gluten-free)
½ cup maple sugar or organic raw sugar
¾ cup milled flax seeds
½ cup shredded unsweetened coconut
½ cup sunflower seeds
1 tsp cinnamon
1 cup chopped pecans
½ cup melted coconut oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
1 ½ tsp pure vanilla extract

Preheat the oven to 350.
Spread the oats on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, combine the sugar, flax, coconut, sunflower seeds, cinnamon and pecans in a large bowl.
When oats are cooked add them into the bowl and stir to combine. Then add the oil, syrup and vanilla and stir well.
Place the mixture evenly on 2 baking sheets and bake for 10 minutes, stirring after 5 minutes to ensure even browning.
Let granola cool on the pans and then crumble and store in airtight glass containers.

Lori Wilson is a mother of 3, a vegan, a voice-over actor, a Parenting Network devotee and a writer. You can check out more family-friendly healthy eating tips and recipes at

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

A parent just shared this tip with us:

"Did you know that anyone in Ontario can call/email EatRightOntario and talk to a registered dietitian? It is free (paid for by Ont gov't)."