Thursday, March 31, 2011

Teens - Where did my sweet child go?

My husband had a grin from ear to ear this morning when he shared with me this text message from our 23 year old daughter...

Thank you so much for your help today dad... In the book I'm reading it says "As many people as there are to hold you back, there are angels whose humanity makes up for all the others." That's you Dad :)

We went through the teen years four times, and there were many, many times we wondered "Where did that sweet, juicy little girl that loved us to death go?" It can almost feel like a grief when they pull away from you. And it's with good experience and confidence that I can say "Don't worry they do come back! This too will pass."

Stay well!


P.S. My daughter won't mind me sharing, if it can give some parent hope!

Beverley Cathcart-Ross is an author, speaker and co-founder of Parenting Network. She also offers private consultations to parents.

See our Workshops for Spring 2011! Early Bird Specials end March 31st at midnight.


Shae said...

We just posted on our blog today about how youth workers can try to reconnect parents and youth during their teens years. We do eventually come back! :)

Parenting Network. Toronto, Canada said...

Your service looks terrific! My daughter's a youth and child counselor too, at CAMH in Toronto. Not an easy line of work but hugely rewarding. Best wishes!