Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Letters to Santa

Christmas time is a special time of year for families all around the world. Together, children, parents and grandparents can enjoy the fun and magic that this season has to offer.

Christmas is also a very busy time of year for Santa Claus. A little Irish elf who lives at the North Pole once told me that Santa has to get the sleigh ready, make sure the elves have finished all the toys, and check his list twice to be sure he hasn't forgotten a single child. But in the midst of all this chaos, he always makes time to read letters from children. That's because Santa knows children sometimes change their minds, and he wants to be sure he's bringing the right gifts on Christmas Eve.

Before the little elf was one of Santa's helpers, he was a very little boy living at home in Ireland with his Mom and Dad. It was early December and it was time to write his annual letter to Santa... He got his special crayons, some writing paper and began to write (with his Mom’s help since he was still a very little boy). He asked how Mrs Claus, the elves and the reindeer had been keeping and he told Santa that he had been a helpful boy this year and shared some of the wonderful things he had done. He told Santa that he really wanted a toy fire engine for Christmas so that he could help people. Of course, the little boy said thank you to Santa and wished him safe travels and a very Merry Christmas.

When finished, he set his letter on the logs in the fireplace and went to bed. This is an Irish tradition. Not to worry… the logs weren’t on fire! The next morning, the letter was gone and in its place was a sprinkling of magic dust on the logs! The letter had gone to Santa!

On Christmas Eve, the little boy went to bed so excited that he left his soother by his stocking... When he woke up the next morning he realized that Santa had turned his soother into a toy fire engine!

Writing letters to Santa not only brings the magic of Christmas into your home, but it allows quality discussions to be had between you and your kids... the true meaning of Christmas.

So, why not take a little time with your wee ones and get a letter writing tradition started in your family this year. Send their letters to the address below. Santa makes sure to reply to every letter... just make sure you include a return address. This is a free service Canada Post offers each year.

Santa Claus
North Pole

Should you prefer, here’s an online service that will send your child a letter or give them a personal phone call… all straight from the big guy!

Click on the link below for more information

Wow! A Phone Call and Letter from Santa

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