Thursday, October 4, 2012

Family harmony and respect... it's up to you!

“Stop interrupting, I’m talking!” 
“Well, if you didn’t take so long, I wouldn’t have to interrupt.”
“Ok, I’m ready to listen, what was so important?”
“Forget it. I don’t want to talk to you now.”

Who is talking here, the kids or the parents?  Some days it could just as easily be the parents as the kids.

We all want to have harmonious, respectful relationships in our homes but many family situations are stressful, and respect and harmony fly out the window.  Small annoyances build up over the course of the day and many of us become too stressed to be pleasant.

How can we resolve the situation?  The answer to this we found is between the parents.  We set the tone for our children.  How we relate to stress and to our spouse is paramount and affects everybody in the family. 

A fundamental concept in relationships is equality. Do we have an equal, respectful relationship, or is one acting superior to the other?  
Our basic premise is that none of us is perfect; we are all going to have faults and make mistakes.  None of us is going to be equal in skills, strengths and talents, but we are equal as fellow human beings who have the right to human dignity and respect.  Even with flaws and faults we can love and accept ourselves and others 100%, thus showing "Unconditional Love".
Most people can accept unconditionally loving their children, some can accept unconditionally loving themselves, but few can integrate the concept of unconditionally loving and accepting their spouse.  The risk of staying in the conditional loving system is distance and stress in a marriage.

This is just one of the fundamental concepts that are discussed in our 4 week "Dynamic Marriage/Partnership for Life!" program.
Warmly, Dr. Martin Nash and Georgine Nash
For more ideas and tools for better, more respectful relationships in your home click here:
·         Parenting IRaising Great Kids
·         Preteen/Teens – It’s a Whole New Ballgame!

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