Here are some tips when the inevitable happens, and things get out of hand!
What the PARENT can do:
- Remain calm - this was bound to happen at some point!
- Let the kids know that you have confidence they know how to be fair, and that they can sort this out
- If you’re getting distracted, pull over at the first available safe location until things have calmed down. (Do this before you get annoyed, and don't use it as a threat)
- Remember, you want your children to resolve the situation – your job is to encourage their independence
- While you are waiting for the kids to sort things out, feel free to stretch your legs, or generally keep yourself completely busy with something other than them!
What the CHILDREN can do:
- Let the other person know, in a calm voice, what it is they want.
- Focus their attention away from the bothersome behaviour.
- Ask a parent for some help (parents can help mediate - DO NOT take sides)
- Engage the person annoying them in an enjoyable activity. (OK, this one is a stretch)
Having personally spent some quality time on the shoulder of various side roads I want you to know it's a great investment. Kids learn that you have limits and they aren't going to pull you into their dramas. Besides no one ever said parenting was convenient!
Happy Travels!!