Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bossy Girls?

The most important point in Leah Eichler's recent "Bossy Girls" Globe and Mail article - link - is that the command and control approach is outdated, both in the workplace and the home.  This holds true for both men and women as well as employees and children - nobody likes to be ‘managed or bossed around’. The business model is flatter and more democratic now, as it is in many households.  
The autocratic and "father knows best" models are going the way of the boss's temper tantrums and the spanking of children.

Ordering people around doesn’t build high functioning employees or children.  We are better off focusing on emotional and social intelligence training as well as respectful and self-respectful assertiveness training to develop leadership skills in both genders.

Our new book, Raising Great Parents, deals with exactly this issue. It helps parents change their approach and build new skills for teaching their children how to be leaders in their own lives and good citizens. 

3 tips from the book:

  • Focus on their strengths and point them out on a regular basis
  • Let children problem solve and deal with challenges on their own as much as possible
  • When your children are emotional, help them name their emotions and describe them - maybe even by drawing a picture

All the best,
Doone and Beverley

P.S. Come join our Launch Party! Tuesday April 8 from 7 - 8:30 PM @ Fairlawn Neighbourhood Centre - 28 Fairlawn Ave. Toronto, M5M 1S7